Цветовая схема

Rector’s welcome

Boris Zhigalev, LUNN Rector, Prof., ScD

For over a century now LUNN has been training students to be competent specialists proficient in foreign languages. The University has a long history and glorious traditions. Today LUNN is one of Russia’s two linguistics universities. It regularly occupies prestigious positions in various national rating lists. LUNN is a dynamic educational eco-system where rich traditions and the latest innovations complement each other in a delicate way giving students from all over the world opportunities to study foreign languages, humanities and social sciences including economics, management, international relations, PR and other.

LUNN’s research activities are focused on various aspects of language and language-teaching, speech techniques, culture studies, intercultural communication, and many others. Students and academics are encouraged to take part in international education programs. The University’s expertise in distance learning and multimedia helps to further develop its international relations.

LUNN is a great place to study not only linguistics and languages, but also Russian history, culture and traditions. I am pleased to welcome you to the Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, where you will be able to gain a rewarding academic and social experience and professional skills.

Lingua interpres animi est! *

                    * In Latin –  Language is the mirror of the soul.

                                                            Boris Zhigalev