Section 9 REASONS TO ENTER LUNN in Arabic
Section 9 REASONS TO ENTER LUNN in French
- Unique methodology of language teaching which goes back over a century. LUNN is one of two linguistic universities in Russia and a center of innovative developments setting professional education standards
- 26+ foreign languages and sound education in the Russian language. Each program includes two compulsory foreign languages beside Russian and the third language as an elective course – but you are surely not limited to this number
- Comprehensive theoretical education combined with practice oriented skills enabling the graduates to acquire a demanded qualification and find a job with excellent career opportunities
- Three languages in combination with a noble profession such as teacher, interpreter and translator, diplomat, journalist, economist and many others
- An opportunity to make a significant change to your career choosing foreign languages in addition to your previous qualification which may be quite different
- A wide network of partner universities to profit from collaborative modules, online resources, teachers and scholars exchange and opportunities to spend a period of time in another country for in-depth study of language and culture
- Multinational and multilingual environment in the center of an ancient Russian city with great history and impressive sights.
- Individual approach to each student in small academic groups. Compact campus with a residence hall
- Intensive contacts with employers including companies such as international automobile, chemistry, pharmacy, and IT enterprises, translation companies and media, administrative bodies and international organizations such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the UN which provide regular exchange of the best practices and numerous opportunities of internships and employment

The latest update: 01.04.2024